The Holy Spirit Course
Who, exactly, is the Holy Spirit? He certainly seems to be “the mysterious one” of the Trinity. No wonder so many Christians have so many questions about him (and why some strange ideas circulate about him in the charismatic world).
It’s relatively easy to picture God the Father and Jesus the Son, they are relatively easily personified, but it’s far less easy when it comes to the Holy Spirit. And yet, it’s through the Holy Spirit that we experience God in the world today, so understanding him well is important.
Responding to this void, the Holy Spirit Course comprises five teaching videos of around 20-30 minutes each, explaining the Holy Spirit biblically, theologically, and practically.
Aylesbury Vineyard Church originally commissioned the talks for a midweek Alpha-style course that ran over six weeks (the final week being for Q&A and practising what’s been learned). They are also very suitable for small groups/home group use.
The themes covered in the teaching are:
® The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
® The Holy Spirit in the New Testament
® The Holy Spirit in the Life of Jesus
® The Holy Spirit in the Early Church
® The Holy Spirit Today
The videos are free for personal viewing and not-for-profit events, with the proviso that they are not edited, altered, or added to, nor published online or on social media (in whole or in part), without prior written permission.
To access the videos, go to, click on ‘Videos’ on the top menu, and then, ‘The Holy Spirit Course Playlist.’
If you have any questions or comments, please email me: